2 Corinthians 9:7
”Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

All Saints needs to raise money week by week from its members to share the gospel, to support all of its activities, pay for its staff, and care for its buildings and other assets.

We encourage all church members to give regularly, according to their ability to give.
Many of our parishioners set up a monthly payment as this helps us plan our finances better.

If you would like to set up regular direct debit donations, or if you would prefer to use traditional envelopes for giving please send us a message on the email link below.

If you would like to give an anonymous donation, our details are:

Name: Anglican Parish of Chermside
BSB: 704901
Account no: 00000600


By clicking on the button below you will be taken to BPoint at Anfin where you can pay your regular offering or a donation directly into our account at All Saints. It is a very simple procedure. Just click the button below:

Please contact Tony Bennett, our Stewardship Recorder, on abennett@bennettphilip.com.au if you have any questions about giving and he will be happy to help.
